Simply fill in the form below and one of our service team will be in contact with you shortly to arrange your service or repair.

Name *

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Company Name *

Phone Number

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Country *

Product *

Serial Number *

Repair Only

Re-calibraton Only

Repair & Re-calibration



We have the in-house capability to repair over 80% of the Webtec range of products in less than two weeks from authorisation to proceed to dispatch. All Webtec repairs come with a 3 month warranty as standard. If a unit can’t be repaired in house and has to be returned to a third party, you will be kept informed of the progress and alternative arrangements may be made available.

Occasionally, if the equipment is too old and there is a danger that the act of repairing one fault could lead to another fault, Webtec will recommend a unit is upgraded or traded-in.

Calibration & certification
We are often asked how frequently should a piece of hydraulic test equipment re-calibrated?

Webtec recommends that a hydraulic flow meter or hydraulic tester is re-calibrated every 4000 hours or every 12 months, whichever is sooner.

Should you not follow this recommendation and instead decide your own service interval, we suggest you consider:

• The impact on the system and your production if an unscheduled repair is required
• Product usage or duty cycle
• Wear and tear
• System oil cleanliness (Cleaner oil will mean the flow meter will be less prone to wear and so remain within calibration for longer)
• Other operating conditions e.g.: vibration, moisture, heat, dust
• Your own company’s ISO9001 recommendation for frequency of calibration

All Webtec test equipment is calibrated against a known reference and a Service certificate of conformity is provided at no additional cost. This certificate only states that the unit passed calibration, but does not provide actual test results. Should you also require a copy of the calibration data this can be purchased separately by ordering a ‘Certificate of flow calibration’ and/or a ‘Certificate of pressure calibration’. Please see our Certificates datasheet for further details.