Trade associations are generally an excellent resource for finding local training schools, information on industry standards and lists of members grouped by products they supply. Many training schools offer fluid power qualifications accredited by their local trade association ranging from an awareness level right up to complex hydraulic system design and maintenance.
CETOP is the European Fluid Power Committee. CETOP is the abbreviation of Comité Européen des Transmissions Oléohydrauliques et Pneumatiques. This is an excellent starting place to find all other fluid power related trade associations in Europe. See:
The British Fluid Power Association publish a list of British training suppliers, see the largest of which is the:
The National Fluid Power Training Center (NFPC) is based in the UK and offers a very wide range of short courses on ‘Integrated Systems Engineering’ including CETOP certified courses. It assists more than 25 sectors of Industry for those involved in the maintenance and management of fluid power systems. It is probably the best equipped hands-on fluid power training facility in Europe,
The National Fluid Power Association (USA) is the principle fluid power association in the USA, see
The NFPA publish a comprehensive list of fluid power training establishments in the USA, see
One centre the author knows well is MSOE, Fluid Power Institute, based in Milwaukee, WI, USA, see
The International Fluid Power Society (HQ in USA) offers a comprehensive range of certified fluid power courses including online training courses