We would like to thank all visitors to Webtec’s stand (B5 227/H), part of the British Construction Equipment Association (CEA) pavilion, at Bauma Germany 2016. We were at times overwhelmed by the interest, especially in our new products and we registered a record number of visitors from a total of 60 different countries. It was a truly international week.
The organiser’s exit figures report that visitor numbers were up by 9% on Bauma 2013, a really positive sign in today’s uncertain world and we were grateful that so many existing and hopefully future customers took the time to visit Webtec, especially at such a large (605,000 sqm) and busy (580,000 visitors) show.
It was great to see so much interest as well in our new products, particularly our ranges of high-efficiency, high-pressure (420 bar / 6,000 psi) hydraulic flow control valves and the new DHM4 series portable hydraulic tester with QuickCertTM App that enables you to create and send a test certificate in a matter of seconds and while you are still onsite. Congratulations to the winner of the DHM4 series competition, Luteijm Hydraulics in NL, they will be presented with their very own DHM404 at a presentation to be arranged in the next month
Despite the fact Bauma is predominantly a mining and construction machinery show it was great to meet quite a number of hydraulic companies, many of whom were interested in the new easy-to-configure GF range of hydraulic gear flow meters for use on their pump, motor and hydraulic steering test benches to measure low or leakage flows with a high degree of precision.
We look forward to seeing you again soon, on our travels or at future trade shows.

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